WillMaster > Products > Automation and Behind the Scenes Tools
Master Pre-Installation Tester
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With Master Pre-Installation Tester, you can test your server to see if it meets a Perl CGI script's requirements before you buy/download and try to install it. (To test for PHP scripts, see PHP Pre-Installation Tester.)
Many CGI programs use Perl modules to do what they do.
A Perl module is a set of Perl code designed to do a specific function well. Modules for many different functions are readily available, so programmers use them. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.
However, some web hosting service providers don't install all the popular modules.
Master Pre-Installation Tester features (all optional):
Lists all the environment variables it is aware of (good if you need to know the server directory path to your public directory, for example).
Reports the version number of the Perl you are using.
Lets you know the full path to your current server directory.
Tries to find sendmail for you.
Lists the directories Perl searches when looking for modules that scripts ask for.
Look for any of several specific popular modules.
Lets you specify other modules to look for.
Download Master Pre-Installation Tester (link above).
To install the software:
Use FTP software and upload the downloaded file into a directory on your server that can run CGI software. Upload the software as a plain text file, not as a binary file.
When uploaded, give the file 755 permissions.
To use the software, type its URL into your browser.
Now, whenever you become interested in a CGI program, you can run Master Pre-Installation Tester to see whether or not your server meets its requirements.